29 September 2006

Website is Live

Today, our website has gone live.  Check out http://www.mercurytechlabs.com for more information on Mercury Technology Labs.

28 September 2006

Fortune 5,000,000

Today is another research day for Mercury Labs. 
I've been diving thru the websites and blogs again and reviewing trends.  My focus so far today has been on Web Apps and Web OS.  In particular I'm looking for ways in which our Fortune 100 client can support what has been termed the Fortune 5,000,000 by 37Signals. 37Signals I believe is correct, "The most innovative software designed over the next 10 years will 1. be web-based, 2. will come from small teams, 3. will come from self-funded companies, and 4. will be for the "side-business" or 1-10 person business market."  This trend in supply is meeting the trend demand of Minipreneurs.
The interrelation of Web OS and that future is also an important consideration as we go forward.  See my post on that here.
Other new items I came across today include:

27 September 2006

Mercury Labs is catching up on the latest aps in social networking and Web 2.0. You can see some good materials that Eric created at ericmathews.com: Social Networking
About Mercury Technology Labs

Mercury Technology Labs is an innovation connector and venture creation company operating from Memphis, Tennessee. Mercury Technology Labs fulfills these two critical roles in the innovation economy by embracing principles of open innovation and innovation acceleration. Mercury partners strategically with corporate research and development engines to evaluate their intellectual property and provide external commercialization support as part of a framework for open innovation. Furthermore, Mercury finds the best raw technologies and research talent from research and development labs both academic and industrial, invests management expertise and capital, and creates new technology business ventures. Mercury Technology Labs is tapping the opportunity of technological intellectual capital and providing value as an innovation engine.

Mercury inspires researchers and companies to find the most appropriate business model to commercialize a new offering -- whether that model exists within a current framework or must be sought through new external paradigms. Our methods of moving research and development externally can create significant value and make the best use of ideas generated within or outside the current business.

Mercury Technology Labs specializes in supporting innovation outside the normal channels of research and development labs in industry and academia. Rapid business prototyping is a critically important component of technological innovation; this is our core competency. Mercury Technology Labs is growing a portfolio from raw technology and research talent into rapidly growing start-up companies.

For more information visit http://www.mercurytechlabs.com/