16 July 2008

Nashville 'Startup Weekend' for tech ventures is still a long shot

Eric was recently quoted for an online article.  He spoke on speaking organizing Startup Weekends.

01 July 2008

Mathews Publishes Technology Research

Eric Mathews of Mercury Technology Labs recently worked with Sidney D'Mello, Lee McCauley, and James Markham to publish some of the research they conducted at the FedEx Institute of Technology. They studied the characteristics of four commercially available RFID tags. Their aim was to evaluate the impact of position and orientation of RFID tags on simulated real time asset tracking in the supply chain.

As stated by the editors of the journal (JTAER) regarding our work, "This type of fine grained, empirical testing of RFID tag location offers valuable insight into the obstacles that confront firms seeking to implement RFID in the supply chain."

Here is the citation and a link to read it:

D'Mello, S., Mathews, E. C., McCauley, L., and Markham J. (2008). Impact of Position and Orientation of RFID Tags on Real Time Asset Tracking in a Supply Chain. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research, 3(1), 1-12.
