16 November 2006

Price Reduced on 3D Display Cube

For those of you who were waiting for the price to drop on the 3D
Display Cube made by James Clar and Associates, wait no longer. They
now retail for $1799.
Visit http://www.jamesclar.com/store/3dcubewhite/index.html to place
your order. There are only 15 left! The company doesn't expect to
get another shipment until after the turn of the year -- too late for
the holidays.

09 November 2006

Intel Announces Web 2.0 Suite

Intel recently annouced that is is putting together a software suite to bring Web 2.0 to the business enterprise 
See http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513_22-6133294.html for more info, but we provide a short excerpt here:
"Called SuiteTwo, the package will include software from Six Apart, Socialtext, NewsGator and SimpleFeed. These are small software companies that provide applications for blogs, RSS feeds, wikis and social networking . . . To accelerate their use, Intel decided to assemble these applications into a single suite and to contract SpikeSource to integrate and support the offerings."
According to the article, the price point for the enterprise will be $175-$200 per user per year, which includes regular updates.  In our view this means that there is an opportunity for competition in this space especially for those looking to work with SMBs that may find the outlay per year to be too large to consider.