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15 February 2010

Mercury's Eric Mathews Speaks on New Heroes

Take a look at the blog post on Smart City Memphis by Eric Mathews that speaks to Entrepreneurship, the Memphis Economy and Business Culture.


Here are the quick hit facts in the article as a teaser:
Fact 1: Over the past 30 years, young companies have accounted for a massive amount of all net jobs (more than two-thirds).
Fact 2: Each young company creates an average of 4 jobs every year.
Fact 3: Since 1977, without startup companies, net job creation for the American economy would be negative in all but a handful of years (meaning we would have lost more jobs than we created over the past 30+ years).

10 January 2010

Embarking on Social Expedition

Eric Mathews was featured in the Commercial Appeal this past week for his presentation at the Social Media Expedition breakfast.  For entrepreneurs hoping to address the broadest marker possible, Mathews talked about light social as a pathway for 2010.

To read more go here: http://www.commercialappeal.com/news/2010/jan/07/embarking-on-social-expedition/

Commercial Appeal
Embarking on Social Expedition
By James Dowd
Posted January 7, 2010 at midnight

20 April 2009

Mercury Supporting LaunchMemphis and Entrepreneurship at TechFuel

Mercury Technology Labs proudly supports LaunchMemphis and the TechFuel to be held Thursday.

What happens when you
--fly in two top thinkers in innovation, culture, technology, and media for a panel discussion,
--retain the services of an international renown DJ,
--serve up good food and drink,
--get great supporters of entrepreneurship like Southern Growth Studios and MPACT Memphis
--and invite entrepreneurs, technologists, and new media mavens to chill for two hours?

You get the extravaganza LaunchMemphis calls TechFuel.

I hope you will take the time to join us, Adrian Ho, C.C. Chapman, and DJ Mr. White for an evening unlike any other served up in Memphis.  The event will be held Thursday, April 23rd from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at EmergeMemphis (516 Tennessee Street, Memphis, TN).  It will be a great time for you to meet with your fellow technology, social media,  and startup enthusiasts.  There is no cost to attend, but we ask that you RSVP on Facebook here http://www.facebook.com/events.php#/event.php?eid=74847833872 or to techfuel@launchmemphis.com.

About the Speakers

Adrian Ho, Founding Partner, Zeus Jones (Greater Minneapolis-St. Paul Area)
Adrian Ho is a founding partner at Zeus Jones. At Zeus Jones we believe actions speak louder than words, that modern brands are defined by what they do not what they say. We built our company around these beliefs. A company where strategy, creativity, design, digital expertise and user-experience flow directly into each other to solve business problems.  Adrian was formerly director of strategic planning at Fallon in Minneapolis.  Prior to that, Adrian worked at Goodby, Silverstein & Partners and at Anderson & Lembke both in San Francisco.  Adrian's thinking has been recognized by the IPA and EFFIEs. He is a former AAAA account planning committee member and co-chair of the national planning awards program.   Adrian is a regular speaker and writes about the evolution in brands and branding along with developments in technology at http://zeusjones.com/blog.
Web: http://www.zeusjones.com
Video: http://www.vimeo.com/384568
Blog: http://zeusjones.blogspot.com/

C.C. Chapman, Co-founder and Managing Partner, The Advanced Guard (Greater Boston Area)
C.C. Chapman is a new media maven and digital dad living in the Metro Boston area who loves public speaking and working with people to understand the future of media.  He is the Co-Founder and a Managing Partner of The Advance Guard. Formed in October 2007, The Advance Guard is a new media consultancy that creates radical marketing programs using emerging technology and community platforms. With offices in New York and Boston, their clients include American Eagle Outfitters, Coca-Cola, HBO, Verizon FiOS, Warner Bros and St. Martin¹s Press.
Web: Advanced Guard: http://www.theadvanceguard.com/
Blog and Podcast: Managing the Gray Blog: http://www.managingthegray.com/
Whitepaper on New Facebook: http://www.theadvanceguard.com/about_face_white_paper/

18 March 2009

Memphis Startup nRange: Free GPS Rangefinder for Golf

Memphis has a new startup on the scene with product rolling out. A friend of mine has developed a Golf GPS rangefinder app that runs on your Blackberry called nRange. The app has comparable accuracy to the Sky Caddie devices that cost hundreds of dollars. The app is still free, since they are still testing it. If you want to learn more, go to http://www.nRange.com

17 February 2009

Blog Post on MemphisConnect

I wrote a blog post on MemphisConnect.com on the Entrepreneurial Support Agencies in Memphis.  Here is a link.  Enjoy!

30 December 2008

Startups: It is THE Time to Get Talent

All kidding aside, now is a great time to find the talent you need to turn your concepts into corporations.